Some say appealing, some say overboard or are even repulsive. I dont care...they get me hard. Where the line is between muscular and freakazoid is different for everyone. I'm obviously more of a fan than a naysayer, but even I'm turned off by the fake-tan orange steroid nightmare types that only wear spandex. That being said, the occasional professional wrestler makes a liar out of me. I think I like those big guys because I'm not one myself. I was tall and very thin for most of my life and looked at the muscle guys as a different, more masculine species. I looked at them with envy as well as lust. It took me a long time to realize that some of those muscle guys liked twinks. And then the whoring began in earnest for me :) I don't know the names of any of these guys. Enjoy. Or be grossed out.
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